Can the city grow its lagging percentage of under-25 homeowners?

New survey data shows that only 2.8 percent of Charlottesville’s homeowners are under the age of 25—a number that’s notably lower than state and national averages. According to a recent report from the web-based consultancy Construction Coverage, the share of home purchase loans that originated in Virginia in 2024 was 4.4 percent. That ranks 29th […]

Local design firm works with PVCC for environmental milestone

Charlottesville is home to the country’s first net-zero community college building after the recent completion of a project nearly seven years in the making. Piedmont Virginia Community College’s new Woodrow W. Bolick Advanced Technology and Student Success Center wasn’t supposed to be a landmark environmental structure when multiple design firms presented the school with bids […]

Real estate/design team helps homeowners with unique approach

Jennifer Eberline and her husband wanted the kind of home that wasn’t on the market if you didn’t know where to look. But with a little help from a realtor and a designer, both with extensive architecture expertise, the family willed what they wanted into being. In 2017, Eberline was casually working with her real […]

A.D. Carson drops groundbreaking composition with open access publisher

Clemson University was proud of its doctoral student. It was 2017, and the university announced the achievement with fanfare: A.D. Carson had produced an original piece of music as his dissertation and successfully defended it to receive a Ph.D. Carson went on to receive tenure in the University of Virginia’s music department. At UVA, he’s […]

MarieBette spinoff offers traditional take on donuts

Donuts have been on a certain trajectory for the last two decades: bigger, more toppings, more creativity—an arms race of candy, cookies, and fried pork. After several years working with semi-traditionalists Jason Becton and Patrick Evans at MarieBette Café & Bakery, Melissa Sbrocco went in a different direction when she opened her namesake donut shop […]

Local therapists and researchers take on psych’s buzziest topic

Renee Branson considered herself a resilient person. She suffered a sexual assault in her late teens but soldiered on. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Ohio State University and a master’s in counseling psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. She built an outwardly happy home life and went into business helping others overcome their […]

Charlottesville Symphony channels unique makeup for talent, longevity

When the schedule for this year’s 50th-anniversary season of the Charlottesville Symphony hits the desk of Elizabeth Roberts, the orchestra’s principal bassoonist eyes the first piece in the first show. It’s Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, and she’s played it many, many times. For professional players like Roberts, seeing Beethoven 5 on the setlist is like […]

Local real estate market (mostly) tracks national trends

Charlottesville area homes are selling at higher prices on average this year than they were in 2023, but they’re sitting on the market longer, and total sales are down. That roughly matches what’s happening nationwide, but there’s a key difference, according to local realtor Paul McArtor. “Charlottesville is so tied to the university, government, and […]

Local homewood firm branches out, stays true to its roots

The HeartPine Company made its name crafting custom products from stuff a lot of people would throw away. It’s that commitment to finding beauty that has allowed the firm to thrive for 25 years. “I think there are two or three things that make it different,” says Debra Kirschnick, who directs the company’s sales and […]