Drink deep

Brewing beer is about control: controlling ingredients, controlling processes, controlling product.  But it’s also about deciding when to let go. Take Three Notch’d Brewing Company. It started small, with brewmaster Dave Warwick, supported by a team of four administrators, making a few hundred barrels of craft beer per year at their Preston Avenue home. At […]

Rachel Pennington

Rachel Pennington Owner: The Pie Chest, thepiechestcville.com A spirit of togetherness “I cook because I have to. I have no other choice. Deep within me resides the desire to please others through a soul-level-comforting pleasing of the palate.  “Therein is the secret to a good life. Eating, drinking, and being merry. Through this we commune […]


Take a thoughtful deep dive into food and farming traditions with Michael Carter Jr., who kicks off the Piedmont Master Gardeners’ spring lecture series with Africulture and Unique Organic Vegetables You’ll Want in Your Home Garden. Carter highlights how people of African descent have contributed to U.S. agriculture, and will also introduce organically grown plants […]

Tales from the chicken strip

How much do I want fried chicken? That question haunted me. It began as a simple test of endurance: How long was I willing to sit in traffic to get lunch? But as I initiated that test again and again, at different hours and on different days, the question began to transform—to molt, much like […]

A brunch to remember

The first episode of “The Big Brunch” opens on chef Antwon Brinson. He stands almost in silhouette over a hot pan, stirring a sauce that coats some delicious-looking meatballs. Brinson is framed by his steel teaching kitchen, an everything-you-could-need creative cooking space at his business Culinary Concepts AB, located just off Barracks Road. In this […]

Why do you cook?

Ian Rynecki  Executive Chef: Easton Porter Group, eastonporter.com Culinary training: Hands-on, in restaurants  Reward “When I began my career as a cook during freshman year of college, there were not many work options available in the evening except for restaurants. “My first job was in a Burlington, Vermont, sushi restaurant where the focus was on […]

By the glass

As the year draws to a close, I wanted to gain some insight into what wine consumers are drinking by asking local shops what their best-selling beverages were in 2022. While many were reluctant to name specific bottles or producers, the information they provided reveals some interesting trends. Rosé all day It appears that local […]

Filling a knead

Woodson’s Mill is alive. The green lawn is speckled with people in conversation. There’s smoke from a wood-fired pizza truck, and a number of vendor tables display local food and handcrafts. Rising above the gathering is the four-story, clapboard mill building that has stood there since the 1790s. Inside the historic building, the sound of […]

Flour garden

Chris Martin has baked in cities from Chicago to San Francisco, but she has rarely found local ingredients like those in central Virginia. That’s one reason bakernobakery, her pop-up bakeshop, boasts one of the most unique menus at the City Market. “Sourcing ingredients is really a delight here in Charlottesville,” says Martin, creator of delicacies […]

Exquisite taste

Ask Alicia Simmons about her happiest childhood memories, and she immediately recalls the many hours spent in the kitchen with her twin sister and grandmother at the family’s farm in the Shenandoah Valley. “We made lunch for dad and grandpa every day,” says Tavola’s executive chef. “That’s how I fell in love with cooking.” Growing […]