In brief: Climate petitions, faux cops, beer fears

Green light: Climate protesters seek ‘radical action’ The protesters chanted a straightforward call and response as they marched on the Downtown Mall: “What do we want?” “Climate justice!” “When do we want it?” “Now!”  Drums, tambourines, and mandolins accompanied the chants. The group held handmade signs with slogans ranging from “No Pipeline” to “That awkward […]

Tunnel vision: Emmet renovations include bike lanes, pedestrian underpass

A central stretch of Emmet Street, from Arlington Boulevard to Ivy Road, may see some improvements thanks to the state-funded Emmet Street-scape project. Plans for the renovations were on display at a public design hearing last week. New bike lanes, an expanded sidewalk, handicapped-accessible crosswalks, and better landscaping are all in the future of this […]

Pushing forward: Albemarle writer’s lawsuit goes to trial

After paying nearly $11,000 in taxes to Albemarle County, freelance writer John Hart will have a chance to get a refund.  On December 4, Judge Claude Worrell of Albemarle Circuit Court ruled that Hart’s lawsuit against the county will proceed, rejecting the county’s request that it be dismissed. Hart, who filed the lawsuit in July, […]

SLAPP-happy: Virginia’s weak anti-SLAPP law attracts defamation lawsuits

What do Johnny Depp, California Congressman Devin Nunes, and Confederate statue defender Edward Tayloe II all have in common? This year, they all filed defamation lawsuits in Virginia. Depp sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for allegedly defaming him in a Washington Post op-ed in which she wrote about being a victim of domestic violence. Nunes […]

Pushing for play: The local mom behind an effort to bring a playground to Walker Elementary

By Alexis Gravely Christa Bennett is no stranger to community advocacy.  After earning a master’s degree from King’s College London in international relations with a focus on human rights, she directed an organization focused on ending the genocide in Sudan. She’s worked on community development projects in Rwanda and lobbied the British Parliament. Since moving […]

Changing the game: Esports come to middle school

Amy Brudin has always been a gamer. She grew up playing games like Myst and Doom, back when computers were “way less cool than they are now.” And today, she loves playing games on her phone.  So when Brudin, director of educational technology at the Peabody School, first learned about esports—the world of team-based competitive […]