Rivanna Trails Foundation seeks a new path

Snowy roads didn’t stop about a dozen people from making their way to the Carver Recreation Center last Tuesday for a brainstorming session on something that’s been in the works for nearly 10 years: the Three Notched Trail.  The Rivanna Trails Foundation is spearheading the effort to build a 25-mile-long paved pedestrian and bicycle path […]

Price check: UVA raises housing costs, again

My first semester at the University of Virginia was full of surprises. I was surprised to learn just how difficult college classes are, how frustrating roommates can be, and how competitive everything at UVA is—just to name a few things. What I found the most surprising though was that in October—a little over a month […]

Statues of limitations: Monumental Justice supporters rally in Richmond

Two busloads of activists from Charlottesville, plus several dozen from Richmond and Norfolk, brought their campaign for local control over Confederate monuments to Richmond this week, rallying in front of the state Capitol Wednesday. Six legislators were scheduled to speak, but the first day of the session interfered, and only Delegate Sally Hudson managed to […]

We love Charlottesville, but…

Building a better city New Year’s is a time for resolutions, but this year, we decided to focus our attention on city improvements, not self-improvement. So we asked a bunch of community leaders about their hopes for Charlottesville (and added a few of our own). Here’s to a new year, a new decade, and new […]

Kids who cook: An after-school club teaches kitchen skills and more

On one of the last days of classes before the holiday break, the bell rings at Walker Upper Elementary School, and kids stream for the exits. But Becky Calvert is just getting settled into her “classroom,” a sprawling institutional kitchen with a lot of buffed stainless steel surfaces. “I try to do some of the […]

(Don’t) take a seat: Downtown Mall still lacks public benches

Last year, the Seattle Department of Transportation installed 18 new bike racks on a stretch of pavement underneath Highway 99. However, the racks were not meant to provide more resources for cyclists—but to prevent the homeless people who had been camping there from coming back. Seattle is just one of many cities known to use […]

Inside a crisis pregnancy center: Women’s health care, with an agenda

By Ali Sullivan  A five-minute trolley ride from UVA Grounds, ThriVe Women’s Healthcare occupies a refurbished, blue and white house on West Main. Judging by its sign, and its marketing materials (there are fliers at the public library, among other spots), ThriVe appears to be a women’s health clinic—one you’d expect to offer a full […]