Coming to pass: A concert-goer’s souvenirs get a place of prominence

As any music fan knows, amassing a collection of concert tickets is almost as fun as going to the show. (If you don’t display them, were you even there?) So when Rit Venerus, a business manager for entertainers with Cal Financial Group, decided to renovate his company’s office in the spring, his wife, Barb, enlisted the help of Kori Messinger and Nicole Fagerli of Foxchase Design to come up with a creative way to display his collection of all-access passes.

“To be able to see so many of them all at once is, for him, like seeing his career all in one spot,” Barb Venerus says.

Photo: Stephen Barling

They designed the piece—a custom seven-tier chandelier—fairly quickly, then called local metalworker Lauren Danley for her help on the fabrication. Danley, of Metal Is Good, calculated how many passes the chandelier could hold based on the height of the room and number of tiers Venerus wanted. They also wanted to make sure the passes could move freely, as many of them include a family photo on the back. The end result holds 150 passes with room for many more.

“When we revealed the chandelier to Rit, it was so cool to hear he and Barb as well, as his staff talking, about the passes,” says Messinger. “They remembered the backstories that go along with the designs. Every time you look up your eye catches a different one.”