Arts for All FestivALL

Charlottesville is a town full of performing arts, andthis weekend you can find pretty much all the entertainment you could want in one place: the Arts for All FestivALL. Children and adults can explore dancing, singing, drawing, radio-broadcasting, and playing musical instruments at tents hosted by the Virginia Theatre Festival, Light House Studio, Empowered Players, […]

ARTS Pick: Camelot

Royal drama: The Charlottesville Opera’s Camelot is complete with suits of armor and ornate sets that pull you into the fantasy of King Arthur’s court. In this all-new rendition of the award-winning play, the principled and supremely honorable King Arthur must react to chaotic reality when Guenevere falls for Lancelot, a knight of the Round […]

ARTS Pick: Encore!

High notes: Four opera vocalists, including two members of New York’s prestigious Metropolitan Opera, kick off Charlottesville Opera’s summer season with Encore!, in celebration of the opera’s 10th year at the venue. Backed by a live orchestra, the greatest hits show features an eclectic mix of favorites from iconic composers like Mozart, Verdi, and Bernstein. […]