PICK: Women’s Empowerment Day

Power flow: Sabrina Feggans admits she failed gym class sophomore year. Fifteen years later and 50 pounds overweight, she decided it was time for a change. She hit the gym, got fit, and is now helping others through Beyond Fitness With Sabrina, where H.I.I.T. and Tabata workouts focus on community, empowerment, and self-love. Feggans is paying it forward on Women’s Empowerment Day, with a wide range of movement and wellness activities, plus motivational guest speakers and cancer survivors telling their stories in honor of program member TQ Evans, who lost her battle with the disease.

Saturday 7/31, Pay what you can, 7am-noon. Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Rd., thebeyondfitnesswithsabrina.com.