Inside information

The joy of hunting for the perfect tomato or apple at a farmers’ market is seriously dampened when you’re getting soaked by a downpour. Which is why a spankin’ new red building now stands where there once was only a white tent at 2775 Barracks Rd. After months of construction, the Barracks Road Farm Market reopened this spring with the same impressive array of fruits and vegetables, plants and flowers, eggs, meat, and fish, and baked goods, maple syrup, honey, and pickles—but now shoppers are protected from the elements while they peruse the spot’s offerings. By moving inside, “we hope to better accommodate our customers, offer a better shopping experience, and be able to have a better display,” says Maynard Swarey, the market’s co-owner. If the substantial crowd and flatbeds overflowing with goodies on a recent Friday afternoon is any indication, Swarey has more than achieved his goal.