Shea Gibbs


Burger bash

Almost nothing upsets me more than a poorly constructed sandwich. I’m not kidding. This may show my crazy a bit more...

Perfect pairings

Ask restaurateurs about the conceit known as Restaurant Week, and you’ll get a variety of responses—some of which...


Musicians. They’re just like the rest of us. Some of them you hit it off with immediately—you get them, and they try...

Passafire likes its rock with a side of reggae

Passafire’s Ted Bowne says he has nothing but respect for his peers in reggae, but there’s one figure in the modern...

Six seasonal beers to warm you in the chilly months

Beer is like a moody lover. It can do you so right, before turning around (as soon as the next morning!) to do you so...

Vietnamese please

The only thing that could make the banh mi sandwich better is if there were some obscure, obnoxious way to pronounce...

Three for ’13

Live music is as important now as it’s ever been. With the days of the huge record contract all but behind us and the...

Local songwriter Ellis Paul breaks down the craft

There’s a scene in Animal House where John Belushi’s character Bluto walks by a folk singer strumming a tune in the...

Big tuna

I was once talking to my boss from across his cubicle when he stopped me mid-sentence and asked, “What’s that smell?”...

Slow coffee

I am a mindless follower, a sheep that would walk with the rest of you straight to the slaughter if given the chance....