Matthew Stoss made his C-VILLE debut romanticizing hotel bars. A former reporter at the Harrisonburg Daily News- Record, he’s been a university magazine editor for the past 10 years and an occasional pencil for hire. He’s profiled an Oscar winner, an Olympic bobsledder, a National Book Award winner, a Batman artist, a Michelin-star chef, a submarine commander, and the Smithsonian secretary, among other people you might have heard of. He lives in Richmond.
At Morningside assisted-living, senior residents are taking back the mic
Every week, Josh Urban motors around Virginia, bopping between 20 or so retirement communities from the hinterlands of the southwest, to the overstuffed stroads of NoVa, and the state capital’s strip-malled suburbs. It’s unclear if there’s a name for what Urban does, and it’s less clear if it has a tax designation, but we’re going […]