PICK: Zen at Swannanoa

Mountain pose: If you’ve been doing YouTube yoga while squeezed between your couch and TV, you might need a change of scenery. Zen at Swannanoa offers a wild alternative to your living room flow. The class is held at the Swannanoa mansion, built by millionaire Virginia lawyer James Dooley in 1912 and styled after Rome’s […]

Pick: Fly at home

Don’t let social distancing deny you the benefits of feeling strong and present in your own body. FlyDog Yoga is offering three to four live classes a day, plus on-demand Power Vinyasa, Yin, Flow, Barre, Power Sculpt, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, and more. In addition, studio co-owner Brad Whiteman, an Army veteran who learned to manage […]

Out and about: Living, food, and drink events

How sweet it is Pollinator education and honey will be on tap Thursday, November 14, at Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters. Diego DeCorte of The Elysium Honey Co. will make a presentation about the plight of the honeybee and possible solutions to rebuild the dwindling population. A tasting will reveal the range of flavors that honey can […]