In brief: Biden defeats Trump, ’Hoos rank high, and more

Bye-bye, Trump! A quiet fall day on the Downtown Mall quickly turned into a party on Saturday morning as word spread that Joe Biden had won Pennsylvania, giving him enough electoral votes to win the presidential race. People cheered and clapped in celebration of the Democrat’s long-awaited victory, while cars sporting Biden-Harris flags honked as […]

ARTS Pick: Lawrence Jackson

Magnetic moments: “Eight years in the White House went by so fast,” says Barack Obama in the forward to Yes We Did, the new book by former official White House photographer Lawrence Jackson. (We feel you, Mr. President.) Jackson will tell stories about his work behind the scenes, snapping photos of Obama’s meetings with world […]

In brief: City v. civilians, Bennett declines, memorial stomper, and more

City blasts Police Civilian Review Board A couple days after C-VILLE opinion columnist Molly Conger wrote about the importance of the still-developing but much-scrutinized Police Civilian Review Board, the board found itself the subject of another controversy. The CRB has been working for nine months to create bylaws to establish a permanent board that will […]