An otherwise brilliant version of The Scottish Play

“We do it with the lights on,” says The American Shakespeare Center’s Blackfriars Playhouse website about its use of “universal lighting.” So right up front you know that whatever you see in its elegant, woody environs will take place with the house lights aglow.  Understandably, in its staunch attempt to maintain historical accuracy wherever possible, […]

STRFKR with Holy Wave and Happy Sad Face

Wednesday 9/25 at The Jefferson Theater It’s probably unfair to reduce a band that’s been plugging away in various forms since 2007 to wimpy dance music for disinterested millennials. It’s also likely giving an unfair shake to a reasonably successful group if you suggest that people like it, or tolerate it en masse, because vocalist […]

partygirl and PANIK FLOWER

Saturday 8/31 at Dürty Nelly’s Self-described as an “imaginative, maximalist, feminist rock band based in Brooklyn,” partygirl is just about what you’d expect from a group with that description. While the band flaunts an aversion to capital letters and proper spacing, the defining difference in the thickly smothered walls of indie rock held up by […]