A look back at our most-read news stories of 2024

With this issue, C-VILLE wraps up its 2024 news coverage. What follows is a glimpse at our top news stories of the year, according to Google Analytics. Big changes in the works at Dairy Market  September 4 A popular topic for C-VILLE readers (it made our top 10 list in 2023, too), changes at Dairy […]

Neighbors oppose private school in Albemarle’s rural area

The Weldon Cooper Center at the University of Virginia projects that Albemarle’s population will grow from around 116,000 now to more than 155,000 people in 2050, generating the need for services in a county where growth and development is only allowed on 5 percent of the land mass.  One service is day care, a function […]

Albemarle County biotech company to add 200 jobs at expanded facility

Albemarle County’s campaign to grow the biotechnology industry showed a major sign of progress earlier this month when one company announced plans to invest $200 million into an expansion project.   “We want to expand our manufacturing to make sterile medicines, put in clean rooms, and create really, really great jobs,” said Afton Scientific’s Tom […]

A hotel seems more likely at Artful Lodger shopping center

A New York-based developer who had planned to build a nine-story apartment tower on the site of a downtown Charlottesville shopping center has sold the property for $5.75 million.  Jeffrey Levien’s company Heirloom Development bought 218 W. Market St. in June 2020 for $4 million, but sold the property in mid-September to Cavalier Hospitality LLC. […]

Closing arguments filed in challenge to city’s new zoning code

The waiting game continues for a lawsuit filed earlier this year that seeks to nullify Charlottesville’s new zoning code.  A group of residents filed suit against Charlottesville in January alleging that city officials failed to follow state guidelines to study the impacts higher residential density allowed in the Development Code would have on transportation infrastructure. […]