PICK: “We Hope This Art Finds You Well”

Art reaction: The forced isolation of 2020 brought both struggle and opportunity for the local arts community. Now, WTJU, The Bridge PAI, and UVA Music have joined forces to create a “long-term COVID arts time capsule” that explores that impact. “We Hope This Art Finds You Well” will be exhibited inside WTJU’s bright blue camper-turned-micro-gallery, and features a diverse range of local artists and media. “One thing that this project has affirmed over and over is that artists are the soul of our town,” says The Bridge’s Alan Goffinski. “[The exhibit] showcases the way Charlottesville artists supported and inspired each other—and the rest
of us—throughout this life-altering pandemic.” A digital exhibit will be also available at artfindsyouwell.org.

Saturday 9/11, Free, 4pm. The Stage at WTJU, 2244 Ivy Rd., wtju.net.