Grow your own way

Adding a few plants can work wonders for a room. They not only add beauty and charm, but help absorb outside noise, regulate humidity and temperature, and filter the air of common toxins and pollutants. Being around greenery has also proven to reduce stress levels, improve concentration and productivity, and boost your mood. And with many plants being easy to care for, it’s no wonder more and more people are growing their own indoor jungles.

But for those of us who know absolutely nothing about plants, choosing the right one—and keeping it alive—can be a huge challenge. We asked Charlottesville nurseries to tell us about their favorite beginner plants, and share some tips on how to care for them.

ZZ plant: This glossy, oval-leafed tropical beauty is one of the most popular low-maintenance plants. “It’s super easy,” says Catherine Konvalinka of Ivy Nursery. “You don’t really have to worry about it. It gets big.” Though it grows best in bright or moderate indirect light, it’s fine in extremely low light (like a windowless room). It typically needs watering every two to three weeks—but if you forget to water it for a while, no worries! ZZ can survive for several months without water. 

Corn plant: Long and narrow, this classic house plant can grow up to six-feet tall indoors. It thrives in bright locations away from direct sunshine and cold drafts, such as near a curtained window. “I can’t tell you the last time I watered mine,” says Pam Scott of Fifth Season Gardening. “They always look good.”

Peace lily: This tropical favorite needs plenty of indirect light and high humidity to grow its stunning white flowers. Pay attention to its leaves—they will begin to droop when it’s thirsty. 

Snake plant: With its tough, pointed leaves, this desert plant is virtually indestructible. It can survive in most light levels, even in shadowy corners. It only needs water when its soil is completely dry, which varies from every few weeks to every one to two months.

Baby rubber plant: This compact, shiny plant—a favorite of Be Just’s Shawn Cossette—grows best in moderate to bright indirect sunlight, and can handle dry climates. It typically needs water once or twice a week. “They’re easy and fun,” she says. “I find them really cool looking.”

Devil’s ivy: This trailing evergreen vine earned its name for being nearly impossible to kill. It thrives in both bright and low light, and it’s well-suited for places with high humidity, like bathrooms. Ranging from six to eight feet in length, it’s perfect for hanging baskets. While it usually needs watering every one to two weeks, don’t stress if you forget to for a few weeks.