This week, 6/19

We’re a city that can’t seem to escape our statues, and at Monday’s City Council meeting they were on the agenda again—this time, the West Main monument to Lewis and Clark, with the figure of Sacagawea at the men’s feet, either cowering or tracking. Paul Goodloe McIntire, who commissioned the statue in 1917, had only […]

Scoot Over: New mobility hits the road

Smart-tech companies Lime and Bird introduced dockless electric scooters to Charlottesville late last year, as new “micromobility” options have swept in to urban areas nationwide. Forty-six percent of vehicle trips in the U.S. are under three miles, and scooters are fast, green alternatives to climbing into the car. Smaller cities with university populations like Charlottesville […]

F.U.C.C. show at McGuffey focuses on women’s experiences

On view at McGuffey Art Center this month is “Women’s Work,” an exhibition featuring 18 artists who belong to the Feminist Union of Charlottesville Creatives, or F.U.C.C. Sculptor Lily Erb and painter Sam Gray founded the group in 2017 with the “hope to create space and opportunities for female and gender-queer artists to share their […]