Pick: Treasure Trunk Theater

Mother’s big helper: One silver lining of our new stay-at-home society is that it’s provided hours of quality family time. Hours and hours—with no end in sight. Luckily, Live Arts’ Online Treasure Trunk Theater offers parents some guilt-free virtual assistance from Edwina Herring. New stories, games, crafts, and more arrive weekly in your inbox, and kids […]

Pick: BlkFrs TV

Much ado about Shakespeare: Shakespeare scholars have been dominating online arts outlets with clickbait headlines about the Bard’s burst of creativity during a bubonic plague quarantine in 1606. He’s said to have “churned out King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra that year,” which may have led to his takeover at the original Blackfriars Theatre in Elizabethan London. In […]

Album reviews: Quarantunes

More than ever, we’re treating pop music functionally—we choose and use tunes to get us going in the morning; to set the right vibes for cooking; to get amped for a night out. But creating a functional playlist for others can be perilous. Consider the wedding DJ, who takes responsibility for the entertainment of everyone […]

ARTS Pick: Reggae and Poetry

Dream date: In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Chicago-born and Virginia-raised human rights activist Ronnie “iRon Lion” Brandon hosts a reggae and poetry showcase that begins by opening up the mic to anyone who wants to express their appreciation for King. Brandon will recite King’s historic “I Have A Dream” speech, and perform […]

ARTS Pick: Nick Nace

Playing it off: If things had gone according to plan, you’d know Nick Nace for his acting work. A self-proclaimed drama kid, Nace followed his dreams to New York City to attend acting school, and spent his spare time playing guitar. Soon enough, he says that cheap guitar was guiding him towards the tunes, and […]

Cheers! Celebrate the season with local sparkling wines

By Paul Ting living@c-ville.com It’s hard not to love sparkling wine, and consumer trends reflect that: Its sales shot up 51 percent from 2008 to 2017, according to industry statistics. Reflecting the trend locally, Virginia Sparkling Company, an affiliate of Afton’s Veritas Vineyard & Winery, announced in late October that it would invest $590,000 in […]