Plugging in

By Toshy Penton You stare at the names on the ballot, none of which you recognize, and appeal to a friend: “Just tell me who to vote for.”  If you’ve ever felt uninformed in local elections, you’re not alone. One could point to any number of theories for this lack of information: social media distractions, […]

This week 10/21: Support local journalism. Become a C-VILLE member.

Support local journalism. You’ve probably heard that recently, likely in conjunction with the phrase “now more than ever,” or “in these times.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself. Well now’s your chance! C-VILLE is free on newsstands and costs nothing to read online, and that’s not changing. But we’re kicking off a fantastic new membership program […]

Poem on the Removal of the Statue of Johnny Reb

By Gregory Orr   I won’t miss the way Your bronze body Froze History into bitterness.   That spot you occupied No longer radiates Shadows In every direction Like a malign sundial Designed to thwart The slow Progress of time.   Your absence: a form Of hope, a flat And empty space Where citizens stand […]

This week, 7/29

Last month, I was lucky to be able to head for the hills with two old friends—we spent a long weekend hiking and camping on the Appalachian Trail in southwest Virginia. We’re all amateur campers. From the top of a mountain, we marveled at a far-off hailstorm, only for it to sweep over us and […]

This week, 7/15

The main character in the story on page 10 of this week’s paper doesn’t have a name. He doesn’t have a face.  Shortly after a video of the brutal arrest of Christopher Gonzalez was posted on Instagram July 8, the Charlottesville Police Department released 17 minutes of body camera footage of the incident. Since arriving […]

This week, 7/1

A month ago, George Floyd was murdered by the police. Since then, Damani Harrison has led a group of artists “coming together to speak truth to power” in the multimedia “One for George” project—our cover story this week. Also in this week’s issue: The Charlottesville police department has been harming Black and brown people for […]

This week, 6/24

  “Coronavirus Could Be the End of Alt-Weeklies,” declared a Mother Jones headline in March. Around the country, venerable snark-slinging rags have dropped employees or shut down entirely, crippled by cratering ad revenue. C-VILLE, unfortunately, has not escaped the crash. Our staff is a lot smaller than it was just a few weeks ago. (The […]

This week, 6/10

“We need equity,” 19-year-old Joshua St. Hill told a crowd of roughly a thousand people Sunday night at the UVA Rotunda. “We can’t take our foot off the gas.” Keeping their foot on the gas is exactly what protesters in Charlottesville have been doing over the past two weeks, since the murder of George Floyd under […]

This week, 6/3

Over the past few days, videos of the murders of unarmed black people by cops and white “vigilantes,” which sparked nationwide protests, have been replaced by new videos, of cops brutalizing those protesters in cities across the country. Many police officers have met the legitimate expression of pent-up rage with violence, beating demonstrators and journalists […]

This week, 5/27

Monday was Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer, but with local lakes, spray grounds, and pools closed (except to those who can afford membership at private clubs), some took to the Downtown Mall in the hopes of another day not exactly the same as the last. In spite of the Phase One reopening, closed […]