PICK: Kendall Street Company

Out of this world: Kendall Street Company turns up the heat with a midsummer concert celebrating its newly released “pop-ambient space opera,” The Year the Earth Stood Still: Ninurta. The group’s blend of generous garage band energy and Americana soul meanders through waves of esoteric ambiance, then quickly turns into mind-melting psychedelia backed by a […]

In brief: Land-use, Madison Hall break-in

City responds to proposed land-use changes  In May and June, the consulting group hired to rework the city’s land-use policy received more than 2,000 comments, through a variety of mediums, on its most recent draft of the city’s Future Land Use Map, a document that would guide the city’s rezoning process in the coming months […]

The Power Issue: Rising stars edition

By Alana Bittner, Amelia Delphos, Brielle Entzminger, Shea Gibbs,and Tami Keaveny  Each summer, C-VILLE publishes the Power Issue. Traditionally, that’s meant a roundup of the same old bigwigs and string pullers—politicians, landlords, university administrators and so forth. This year, we’re taking a different tack, and focusing on the city’s next generation of leaders. Get to […]

Democracy dialogues

The University of Virginia is deeply invested in the study of democracy. On Grounds, you can study democracy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, or the Miller Center of Public Affairs, or the Center for Politics, or the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, or the Democracy Initiative in the College […]

Working it out

You get to wear slippers all day. You don’t have to commute. You have more flexibility with childcare. After a year of remote work, is the office a thing of the past?  A high local vaccination rate makes the return to in-person work feasible for many area businesses, but that doesn’t mean everyone is headed […]

In brief

Descendants will have equal say at Montpelier  The Montpelier Foundation voted last week to share governance of the historic property with the Montpelier Descendants Committee, an organization comprised of descendants of the enslaved laborers who once lived and worked on the plantation.  Montpelier is widely known as the estate of James Madison, the fourth U.S. […]

In brief: Map of the land, Hoos in Omaha

Thousands comment on proposed land use map At the beginning of May, the Cville Plans Together team—a group of consultants hired to rewrite the city’s zoning code—shared a draft of a Future Land Use Map, a document that will help guide the city’s growth in the coming decades by identifying which areas could support increased […]

Take our time

Over the past month, Charlottesville’s Historic Resources Committee has met virtually with more than a dozen descendants of enslaved laborers, seeking their thoughts and ideas on how to best pay tribute to the thousands of people bought and sold in Court Square. Now, the committee plans to establish a formal timeline for the highly anticipated […]

Melt them down?

Following Charlottesville City Council’s decision to remove the statues of Confederate generals Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee from the downtown parks, many members of the community voiced their support for melting down the statues rather than relocating them. That got us wondering: What does it take, logistically, to melt a statue? C-VILLE spoke to […]

Freedom celebration

“Nearly every colored man, woman and child in Richmond, and the surrounding territory, took part in or viewed the big emancipation parade yesterday,” reads an article published in the April 4, 1905, edition of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “The crowd was orderly and was the subject of favorable comments from all who saw the line as […]