A more humane approach 

By Ezra Maille Julie, a 21-year-old UVA student, was at a bar with her friends when she was physically assaulted. A stranger grabbed the baseball hat off her head, and when she attempted to get it back, he struck her in the face, before fleeing the scene and being apprehended by university police. After the […]

‘It’s scary’

When Sarah first heard about Governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposed transgender student policy, she sat down at her desk and cried. Her 10-year-old transgender child, who attends Charlottesville City Schools, was now in danger of losing critical protections and facing discrimination at school.   “I realized that things are about to get really tough,” says Sarah, […]

Through a different lens

Henry Martin stands tall in the photo, his eyes piercing and thoughtful, dapper in his jacket. Martin was born enslaved at Monticello in 1826. In the early 1900s, he was one of the most recognizable figures on Grounds. He rang the Rotunda bell, and was the head janitor at the University of Virginia. But most […]

A daughter’s search

On a sunny afternoon in July, hundreds of people looked on as a 737 touched down at the Spokane International airport. Sitting in a shuttle bus on the tarmac, surrounded by family and friends, Linda Chauvin watched the scene unfold with a mix of grief and exhilaration. “The excitement was actually so palpable. We see […]

Black in business

A plethora of products and services will be exhibited in 40 booths at this year’s Black Business Expo, the annual event that celebrates local Black-owned businesses. In addition to vendors, the day-long affair will feature DJ sets, live music, panel discussions, and a competition with cash prizes totaling $1,500 for the two best business pitches.  The […]

Zoned out 

After several hours of discussion, Charlottesville’s Planning Commission recommended City Council deny a controversial rezoning proposal that would build up to 72 new apartments and a daycare center in the Locust Grove neighborhood. During a September 13 joint meeting, the commission cited issues with the project’s affordable units and infrastructure. However, commissioners and councilors expressed […]

In brief: Fashion Square gets new owner, multiple shootings, and more

Re-Fashioned Square After years of increasing vacancies and rumors of big development plans, Fashion Square Mall has a new owner: Home Depot. The Atlanta-based hardware big-box company purchased the entire property at the corner of Seminole Trail and Rio Road, minus the Belk Women’s store and the former JCPenny location on September 1, according to […]

Digging in the archives

As soon as I sat down with Eva Surovell at Grit Coffee, I realized that I had no questions prepared. Normally, for me at least, this would be a terrible start to an interview. But as we were placing our orders, the editor-in-chief of The Cavalier Daily revealed herself to be so personable and eager […]

Fuming over FLUM

Ask anyone about Charlottesville’s most pressing problems, and chances are affordable housing will top their list. The city’s new Future Land Use Map, adopted last November as part of the comprehensive plan, has been touted as a solution. It aims to increase housing supply by allowing greater density in every city neighborhood from three units […]

Bargaining bargaining 

Since interim Charlottesville City Manager Michael Rogers and D.C.-based law firm Venable LLP presented a proposed collective bargaining ordinance last month, the Amalgamated Transit Union, Charlottesville Area Transit employees, and other union supporters have pushed back against numerous restrictions, including initially limiting bargaining to police, firefighters, and bus drivers—and keeping certain items, like health and […]