Wrapping it up

With 2024 just around the corner, we decided to take a look at this year’s most popular C-VILLE news stories. Here’s what our readers clicked on the most in 2023, based on Google Analytics. “Afton Mountain’s grand lady,” August 23Written by longtime C-VILLE contributor Carol Diggs, our top news story looked at the future of […]

Driving it home

Sure, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But along with holiday festivities comes the traffic. Lots of traffic. And while roads will be bumper to bumper in the coming weeks, the Virginia Department of Transportation has a few tips for minimizing your travel stress. According to VDOT, the periods of heaviest traffic will […]

In brief

The Good chair Fifth District Rep. Bob Good was named chair of the House Freedom Caucus on December 11, and will start the job in January. For years, the Freedom Caucus has played a prominent role in congressional politics, including the ouster of former House speaker Kevin McCarthy and the lengthy process to elect a […]

Deal or no deal

By Sofia Heartney The Albemarle Education Association, the union for Albemarle County teachers and staff, has been negotiating for a collective bargaining agreement with the school board since June. Teachers have expressed frustration over being tied to contracts that can be “changed at a whim,” says Vernon Liechti, AEA president and a teacher at Albemarle […]

Helping hands in hospice 

It’s a conversation starter you might throw out with a group of friends hanging out at a winery, or after a large informal family supper: “What would you like to do before you die?” The answers are probably interesting, intriguing, even surprising. The discussion could inspire someone in the group to make those dreams happen. […]

Due diligence

On Wednesday, December 13, Albemarle supervisors will get an update on a study of the 462 acres near Rivanna Station that the county wants to preserve for a major employer.    The defense sector is the number-two industry in Albemarle, Charlottesville, and Greene, with a $1.2 billion a year impact, according to a report from […]

Loss of local culinary leader

Restaurateur Wilson “Will” Richey died in a single-car accident in the early morning of Tuesday, December 12, according to a statement from the Albemarle County Police Department. First responders were dispatched to the 1300 block of Owensville Road at approximately 1:21am, and Richey, 47, was pronounced dead at the scene. For decades, Richey was an […]

Where to warm up

Winter is coming. And helping people get out of the cold is a core part of People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry’s mission—it played a large part in the group’s founding in 2004. “The faith community and emergency responders … were seeing individuals sleeping on church doorsteps in the middle of winter,” says PACEM Operations […]

The Big Picture

The Oatmeal lineage has been felled. Every year, Charlottesville residents vote on what to name the city’s Christmas tree. In 2021, we were all taken by surprise when Oatmeal was deemed the winner—the name derives from “Frosty the Snowman,” with Oatmealbeing a suggested name for the magical snowman. Some loved it, some hated it, but […]

Ever expanding

Members of the University of Virginia’s Board of Visitors who drive to Charlottesville along U.S. 29 from points north for this week’s meeting will pass the latest purchase made on behalf of the public institution.    The UVA Foundation has paid $3 million for nearly one and a half acres off of Earhart Street. That’s […]