Whip it good

By Alana Bittner I’m cooking along with local chef Janey Gioiosa’s “A Kind (of) Cooking Show” on YouTube, and get halfway through the video before I realize I’ve overlooked something on the list of ingredients—yeast. This recipe is a brave choice for me. As far as I’m concerned, pretzels come from Auntie Anne’s at the […]

PICK: Mother’s Day Market

Mom genes: Did Mother’s Day sneak up on you like a helicopter parent? Instead of searching for a last-minute gift, take mom to Craft Cville’s third annual outdoor Mother’s Day Market, where she can choose from an array of goods from local artisans and vintage curators. Savor a piece of cake from Sliced while perusing […]

Slinging mud

Visitors to the new Mudhouse Coffee Roasters shop on 10th Street may find themselves unsure they’re in a Mudhouse location at all. The striking, sleek space is a departure from the more rustic approach proprietors John and Lynelle Lawrence have taken alongside their design team at Formwork Architecture for their previous cafés. According to John […]

Beers in the wild and wine in your trunk

A Woman with Backbone How’s this for a job description: Hike East coast mountains, drink beer, take pictures, and get paid $20,000. That’s the deal Devils Backbone Brewing Company announced this year, and unsurprisingly, outdoor enthusiasts flooded the brewery’s inbox with applications. After reviewing thousands of eager hiker-drinkers’ pitches, DBBC appointed UVA alum Kristen Musselman […]

PICK: Virtual Garden Basics Workshop

Grow your own: Herbs have enhanced our culinary, medicinal, and beauty pursuits dating back to ancient times. Yet the struggle to perfect a backyard plot of lush, fragrant herbs without insect or disease interference is a real one. Learn how to grow your favorites with help from the experts during the Piedmont Master Gardeners’ Virtual […]

PICK: Black Fiddlers of Monticello

Tracing the music: Get in your steps and a history lesson during David McCormick’s Black Fiddlers of Monticello walking tour, a tribute to the Scott and Hemings family fiddlers. McCormick, a founding performer with the Early Access Music Project, uses recent research as a fellow at the International Center for Jefferson Studies to trace the […]

Take us out

In an ongoing effort to support local dining establishments during the pandemic, our writers have been enjoying a variety of takeout meals from some of their favorite restaurants. Contribute to this ongoing series by sending your own delicious experiences to living@c-ville.com. Angelic’s Kitchen 946 Grady Ave. dairymarketcville.com When your soul needs soothing, Angelic’s Kitchen offers […]

A sweet win

By Paul H. Ting There’s something alluring and gratifying about continuing a best practice that originated in the ancient world, and the 2021 Virginia Governor’s Cup winner is a prime example. On March 9, Governor Ralph Northam presented the award to Barboursville Vineyards for its 2015 Paxxito. The Cup is given to the top-scoring wine […]

PICK:Comedy Open Mic Night

It’s a laugh: As any comedian knows, there’s no rush like standing in front of a roomful of strangers and making them laugh. At the weekly Comedy Open Mic Night, hosted by local comedians Heather Kilburn and John Rad, you can work out all the material you perfected at home during the pandemic. Preregister, and […]

Farm fresh

By Paul Ting Spring is springing, in its Virginia way, with perfect breezy days becoming more frequent every week. For many locals, the annual return of chirping birds means rolling out of bed early on Saturday and heading downtown, to the City Market. The beloved market has been in action since 1973, providing an opportunity […]