‘Bloody Lowndes’

The first use of a black panther in the Black power movement didn’t start in Oakland, California. The symbol came from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, where 80 percent of the population was Black and none were registered to vote, a place nicknamed “Bloody Lowndes.” Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power, […]

A force in her field

Joyce Chopra, known for her documentary, television, and filmmaking career, recounts her experiences in a new no-holds-barred memoir,Lady Director: Adventures in Hollywood, Television and Beyond. But it wasn’t until she read her book’s promo blurbs that Chopra says she understood she had completed “a history of how hard it was for women to ever get […]

Five documentaries that will stay with you

Descendant  The United States outlawed international slave trade in 1808, but more than a half century later a ship called the Cotilda smuggled a group of enslaved Africans into Mobile, Alabama. The expedition was illegally chartered by a plantation owner named Timothy Meaher, who ordered the Cotilda be burned and sunk to hide all evidence […]

‘Damaged but special’

Justin Black grew up on the James River and didn’t realize some people thought it was “disgusting,” including two friends he met at the University of Virginia. Years later, the three paddled 250 miles down the James—and made a documentary. Black, Will Gemma, and Dietrich Teschner had never made a film before. What they had […]

Evoking the vision

You don’t forget Eugenio Caballero’s production designs. There’s the otherworldly Pan’s Labyrinth, for which he won an Academy Award. There’s the black-and-white Mexico City in Roma, for which he was nominated for another Oscar. And his most recent efforts in director Alejandro Iñárritu’s Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths will be screened at […]

Building bridges

Writer/director/producer Dustin Lance Black’s films and television work—including his Academy Award-winning Milk script—are frequently outspoken about LGBTQ+ issues. The Mormon Church also resurfaces throughout his work, as in the hit FX series “Under the Banner of Heaven.” The two topics merge in director Laurent Bouzereau’s new documentary Mama’s Boy, which focuses on Black and his […]

Pick: Sunflower Bean

Sunflower Bean’s third album, Headful of Sugar, is a psychedelic head rush made to be played loud with the windows down. Laden with catchy basslines, punk energy, and vocals that alternate between gritty and divine, the record marks a new freedom for the indie rock trio. “We weren’t precious about anything, there was a gleeful […]

Pick: Michael Clem and Andy Thacker

Local musicians Michael Clem and Andy Thacker team up for an afternoon of bluegrass and folk jams. Clem, known for his songwriting and multi-instrument talent, is also a member of Eddie From Ohio, has his own trio, and hits the stage with a number of other bands. Clem’s recent solo release, Rivannarama, features five new […]

Pick: No Home but Ropes and Stakes

Haunting, hopeful, and striking, No Home but Ropes and Stakes is an original one-act play written and directed by Charlottesville High School senior Stella Gunn. Set in the 1930s, the atmospheric play follows an intriguing group of performers as they navigate the dark underbelly of a magnificent yet derelict circus. Eddie the Clown narrates as […]

Bell is back

Mariana Bell had a divergent pandemic experience from most musicians. Ask any songwriter, or any creative person for that matter, and most will say they experienced heightened inspiration during the C-word era. Not Bell. And she’s okay with that. That’s her journey. A longtime singer-songwriter who’s now a mother of two small children, Bell found […]