Art from the future

There’s a new wall mural at Ix Art Park. It’s an explosion of colors, shapes, and symbols. There are words of advice—“Be humble”—and statements of power—“Black women built this,” “Lesbian pride.” It’s made of hearts and rainbows and flowers and peace signs. And above it all, a bold and insistent proclamation: “There are Black people […]

Playful communication

When I got to Pen Park, the sky was threatening to open up and pour, as it had just hours before. Kara McClurken was keeping a close eye on the rain clouds as she zipped from person to person gathered at the playground. She was eager to get things started before the weather decided otherwise. […]

C-VILLE’s editor walks into a bar…

I’m new in town, so naturally, for my first assignment, I bellied up to six bars and sampled this year’s Best of C-VILLE nominees for Best Craft Cocktail.  It’s like a latte with alcohol—but better Tavola | Cool as a Cucumber Tavola is a chic Italian restaurant with a killer bar. While there, I had—to […]