Livin’ it up at the Forum Hotel

I have this embarrassingly shallow hate-love thing with luxury in Charlottesville. I get nosy and greedy, curious and snarky about what seems richie-rich and off-limits to Joe Schmoes like me. At the same time, I love being immersed, if only for a few hours, in the grandeur, style, and creative exuberance of what’s fancy and […]

All the world’s a stage

Ah, springtime in Charlottesville, a veritable petticoat junction of daffodils, bluebells, and redbuds tossing their skirts in the breeze—as Shakespeare might say.  After all, Shakespeare coined the phrase “petticoat junction” in one of his most excellent comedies, Much Ado About the Beverly Hillbillies. What’s that you say? My cultural references smack of senility? Fie on […]

Hanging with the smarty pants at trivia night

When our kid went off to college in late August, my husband and I rejoiced. Freedom! Finally, we had our lives back! Time to work out, eat out, and party like it’s 2002 (the year before our kid was born). We started off strong. While walking the dog one September evening we stopped by a […]

Working the body, heart, and soul

I’ve been drawn to Prolyfyck Run Creww since I first heard about it. This group of runners and walkers gathers every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to tackle a more-than-four-mile route through Charlottesville’s historically Black neighborhoods.  Participants emphasize community over speed, representation and inclusion over individual achievement. Predawn they’re on the streets together moving, chatting, cheering […]

AquaFloat, take me away

I’ve lived in Charlottesville for almost 20 years, and there’s still so much I’ve never seen or done. We moved here in 2003, had our first and only (lovely, high-needs) child four months later, and the rest has been a blur of going to and from work, the grocery store, doctors’ appointments, schools, and, occasionally, […]

Charlottesville style

To help you start the new year with a fresh look, we spoke to striking and unsung style heroes around town, and asked these questions: How would you describe your style? What inspires the way you dress, or the way you style your home or work space?  What would you like people to know about […]