

Turn off the hose, for hay’s sake

Fun fact of the day: Albemarle is a “primary federal disaster area.” So are Buckingham, Fluvanna and Greene Counties....

Why Appalachia needs an Edward Thomas

Edward Thomas paints places that may soon disappear. Meanwhile, not so far away, things even bigger than city...

Greenings-on about town

If my Saturday were greenly perfect, this is what it would look like: In the morning, I’d get up and ride my bike to...

Locavores shout out to Obama

Obama’s got to assemble a Cabinet amid a deafening roar of unsolicited advice, including from people here in...

The new front door at the house of TJ

So yesterday I got to ditch work and drive up the mountain to visit my man Thomas. I don’t know why I’ve been looking...

All wet

Drinking water is good for you; no doubt. The question of what to drink it from, though, is baffling. I have long...

O Tannenbaum, we cut you down for paper

The flow of junk mail’s really been picking up lately at our house, which is no surprise considering the crazy...

Live Arts votes for green party; Habitat opens door

I was lucky enough to be invited to the Live Arts Gala on Saturday night. The space was transformed into a kind of...

Buses on the loose!

The humble bus seems to be gaining in popularity as a political instrument. Tomorrow, October 31, you’ve got not one...

Yes, Virginia, there is a climate problem

Interesting phenomenon, climate change: Most people agree that it’s happening, but as soon as you get past that basic...