

Merry melodies

"The Looney Tunes Show," "Lady Gaga Presents The Monster's Ball Tour," "Why Not? With Shania Twain"

Quittin’ time

"The Voice," "The Office," Royal Romances

Tablet revolution

"Girl's Night Out: Superstar Women of Country, " The Ten Commandments, " MegaQuake: Hour that Shook Japan"

Drama Kings

"Happy Endings," "Game of Thrones," "The Killing"

Human Nature

"Extreme Couponing," "Human Planet," "Law & Order: Los Angeles"

The stuff of legend

"Body of Proof," "Taxidermy USA," "The Borgias"

The not-so-great depression

"Marcel's Quantum Kitchen," "Mildred Pierce," "All Together Now: A Celebration of Service"

I know you are, but what am I?

"Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump," "The Pee-wee Herman Show," "Dancing with the Stars"

Girly shows

"The Bachelor," "Beverly Hills Fabulous," "All About Aubrey"

Let's go crazy

"The Essentials," "The Celebrity Apprentice," "The Event"