Elizabeth Derby


Many angles

When Lisa Speidel joined the Sexual Assault Resource Agency in the early 1990s, she had no idea her work in sexual...

Top tier

What do you do when structures fail? When you did everything right, you played by the rules, yet the safety you...

Game winner

The year is 1995, “Friends” is all the rage, and Tilly Evans is “the most uncommon form of nerd in the world”—a...

Ripple effect

A little boy stares into a river while ghostly shadows move through the current. The long, lithe bodies could be lost...

Block by block

When it comes to creating a feature-length movie on the silver screen, animation studios like Pixar deploy millions...

Building happiness

If you’ve seen a parade of 8-foot-tall ants climbing the side of a building, a life-sized foam replica of Stonehenge,...

For the win

When you think of teenage girls, what do you picture? Perhaps you think of your own fast-talking children or your...

The world of the play

When playwright and short story writer Anton Chekhov arrived on the Russian literary scene in the late 1800s, he...

Dancing with disaster

After months of involvement with SURJ and Charlottesville Resistance Choir, author Adam Nemett saw the statue debate...

Letting it flow

As a child, Kyle Dargan began writing rhymes largely as a matter of convenience. “If you wanted to make music,...