PICK: “Teeny Tiny Trifecta 3”

Little looks: The biggest little show of the year returns when “Teeny Tiny Trifecta 3” begins this week. The juried group exhibition is a collection of three  pieces, all measuring nine inches or smaller, from over 100 area artists who work in a variety of styles. The show also celebrates Second Street Gallery’s 47th season, […]

PICK: Shenandoah September Sizzles

Among the vines: The last weeks of summer are always bittersweet, marked by the start of school, cooling temps, and a surplus of garden veggies. Chef Ian Rynecki helps make sense of the season’s bounty at Shenandoah September Sizzles, a celebration that begins with a garden tour to harvest fresh produce, followed by a grilling/smoking/cooking […]

PICK: Company Picnic

Bubble wrapped: Kendall Street Company is leading the local return to music festival gatherings with its Company Picnic. The fun-loving jam band will perform four sets outdoors over two days, while guests watch from a distance in “safety bubbles” of two-, four-, and six-ticket groups. Patrons can have concessions delivered to their bubble, and the […]

Rad space: The Bridge PAI finds new ways to connect by dreaming big

How does a community arts organization react to an ongoing pandemic that requires the restriction of in-person gatherings? It gets creative. “We’re still dreaming big,” says Alan Goffinski, director of The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative. “One thing that I think we’ve always prided ourselves on as an organization is our ability to shift gears, respond […]

Working it out: Charlottesville goes back to the gym

By Emily Hamilton Heavy breathing, lots of sweating, and plenty of people nearby—gyms and workout studios seem like a perfect place for COVID transmission. Though some industries have been slow to recover during Virginia’s phased reopening, gyms have seen customers eager to return. Workout spots around town have adopted stringent safety protocols—and benefited from customers […]

In brief: Activist fined, white supremacist jailed, and more

Cracking down Just days after a Kenosha police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back, sparking national outrage and protests, City Manager Tarron Richardson decided to crack down on gatherings in Charlottesville—targeting those organized by Black residents. While Richardson supports the right to “peaceably assemble” amidst the pandemic, he explained in a press […]