Since joining C-VILLE in April 2023, Catie Ratliff has been the paper’s full-time news reporter. Prior to C-VILLE, she worked as a student journalist with WUVA at the University of Virginia. Ratliff covers a bit of everything as the only news reporter on staff, but has a specific interest in politics, education, development, and community issues. If you’d like to hear her talk local news, she appears on WINA’s Cville Right Now Live with Adam Hawes every other Wednesday to discuss the new issue of the paper and the latest goings-on in Charlottesville.
Plan of attack
After years of effort, the Charlottesville Planning Commission finally entered the formal review process for the draft zoning ordinance. Though the city has emphasized community involvement throughout the project, the September 14 public hearing to discuss the draft lasted more than five hours. City leadership hopes to adopt the zoning ordinance by the end of […]