Ben Hitchcock


Mapping a course

City Council approves Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map

The rumble in Richmond

McAuliffe and Youngkin square off in huge gubernatorial contest

In need of Council

Three candidates vie for seats on City Council

High hopes

A second-generation cannabis entrepreneur gets a new weed club up and running—legally.

Money talks

An anti-upzoning email campaign came exclusively from the city’s wealthiest homeowners

State of the states

In a new book, longtime local lawmaker David Toscano delivers a timely civics lesson

Police chief fired

Brackney’s contract terminated after three years in charge

Early returns

City, county, university see COVID cases spike with return of students

‘A dumpster fire’

City describes police misconduct as officers criticize chief

Music to your mouth

Walk into Soul Food Joint and the first thing that hits you is the smell—tangy, greasy goodness fills the air. The...