C-VILLE Weekly is Charlottesville’s leading newspaper. Founded in 1989, it’s been the area’s local source for informative (and informed) stories in news, arts, and living for more than 30 years. C-VILLE Weekly reaches 30,000+ readers weekly and c-ville.com averages more than 70,000 unique visitors per month. Readers of C-VILLE look to us for clear, quality writing, the best arts coverage in town, comprehensive food and entertainment listings and sharp design. We’re a thoughtful, considerate, and accurate voice in the community. In addition to C-VILLE Weekly, we publish a portfolio of magazines: Abode, Weddings, Knife & Fork, Fine Properties, and everyone’s favorite, Best of C-VILLE!

Want your message to reach everybody from locals and tourists, newsmakers and artists to students and working families?

C-VILLE’s got you covered:

CVC estimated edition readership:  30,000

Average website unique users: 58,622

Average Facebook followers:  14,006

Average Twitter followers:  17,200

Average Instagram followers: 15,000

Average e-newsletter subscribers: 23,189

Total Digital Contacts:  114,906

Total Estimated Gross Contacts:  144,906

77% frequently purchase products and services seen in C-VILLE Weekly

66% keep C-VILLE for 3 days or longer

52% are women, 48% men

88% of readers are between the ages of 21 and 54

83% have a household income over 50k, 34% have a household income over 100k

47% have a college degree or higher

For ad rate information, e-mail us at advertising@c-ville.com or contact the Publisher, anna@c-ville.com, for a personalized ad plan to maximize your advertising budget.