On a warm morning in late June, City Manager Sam Sanders presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Belmont Bridge, a $38 million project that for a time served as another chapter in Charlottesville’s resistance to infrastructure for motorized vehicles.
“There are many who didn’t believe that this would actually happen,” Sanders said to a crowd assembled at the top of a new staircase that leads from bridge-level to Water Street. The western side of the bridge features the city’s first protected bike lane and the new bridge is much shorter at 236 linear feet.
None of those features would likely be present if not for pushback from those in the community who felt Charlottesville deserved more than just a standard replacement.
“We tend to get stuck on things and I want to get unstuck on things,” Sanders said.
Now that vehicles are rolling across the bridge and people are able to use sidewalks on both sides, reviews are mixed for the project, which still has remaining items waiting to be completed.
“It’s a vast improvement, but for all the time, angst, and money that went into getting it built, it’s a bit of a let-down,” says Carl Schwarz, a city planning commissioner who was on the Board of Architectural Review when that body approved the bridge design.
The story of the Belmont Bridge is one of what might happen when public expectations are raised much higher than what the constraints of a local government can provide.
Almost 21 years and several city managers before the ribbon was cut, the Charlottesville City Council learned of the need for $1.6 million in repairs to a 440-foot-long bridge built in 1962 that carried Virginia Route 20 across the railroad tracks. This section of the roadway, also known as Avon Street, is considered a primary road by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
The minutes of the September 15, 2003, council meeting indicate the direction the city would eventually take. The mayor at the time was Maurice Cox, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Architecture and a vehement opponent of what became known as the John W. Warner Parkway.

“Mr. Cox said the Belmont Bridge is not very friendly and the best solution may not be just to replace what is there,” reads the official record of the meeting. “He asked if there is a margin to make it more attractive and pedestrian friendly.”
Cox’s desire for a replacement did not immediately take hold, and Council held a public hearing in May 2005 for an appropriation of $1.46 million in funds for bridge repairs. Jim Tolbert, Charlottesville’s planning director at the time, said VDOT asked the city to consider a replacement due to quickly deteriorating conditions, but the official plan was still to repair.
A year later, crews installed plywood underneath the bridge deck to prevent concrete chunks from falling on vehicles in the city-owned parking lots below.
In April 2009, Tolbert told Council that VDOT estimated a replacement would cost $9.2 million and construction would not happen until 2014 at the earliest. The now-shuttered architecture and design firm MMM Design was selected to develop construction documents in part because of its work in overseeing the controversial reconstruction of the Downtown Mall that was underway that year.
To pay for the replacement project, the city set aside a portion of funding received each year from VDOT and had $4.4 million reserved by May 2010. Unless the city decided to use more of its own funding, construction of the replacement wouldn’t begin until 2018.
MMM Design formally kicked off the public phase of the project in November 2010 with a presentation in CitySpace, and by this time, the city had saved up $5.3 million. Around the same time, the city had closed the eastern sidewalk to foot traffic due to a deteriorating sidewalk.
The presentation was intended to gather feedback from the community about what it wanted to see in a bridge design. Joe Schinstock, MMM’s project manager, even suggested there might be room for a pocket park on the bridge itself.
Two months later, the city was forced to transfer some of the funding it had saved up for the Belmont Bridge to replace another deteriorating railroad bridge that carried Jefferson Park Avenue Extended over a different set of railroad tracks.
Council voted 3-2 in April 2011 to spend $14,000 on permanent fencing on the Belmont Bridge’s eastern sidewalk, with two councilors asking for repairs to open the walkway to pedestrians as soon as possible. Those repairs were not made and the black fence stood until the eastern span of the bridge was replaced.
Over the course of 2011, MMM Design held many meetings with various stakeholders. The now-defunct Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville wanted an easy way for people from Belmont to access the Downtown Mall and prioritized pedestrian connectivity over bike lanes. The cyclists and walkability activists wanted vehicular activity to be secondary to non-motorized transport.
An initial design shown to Council in September 2011 showed sidewalks on both sides of the bridge, three lanes for vehicular traffic, and bike lanes on each side.
At the same time, VDOT’s cost estimate for the bridge replacement went up again from $9.2 million to $14.5 million due to a variety of inflationary factors. All estimates assumed the city would stay within the footprint of the existing bridge to avoid purchasing additional land. Studying the environmental effects on more rights of way could result in further delay.
Before the design process was over, several Belmont residents approached the Board of Architectural Review in September to critique the process. That included filmmaker Brian Wimer, who launched a contest outside official channels that challenged the very need to build a bridge at all. Wimer described this process as “creative protest.”
“Community members aren’t just waiting for results,” reads a press release from Wimer in late November 2011. “They hope to get the results themselves, even if it means finding a new design team. The solution: Project Gait-Way—an unsanctioned $1,000 design competition for the Belmont Bridge to create ‘an iconic, pedestrian-centric, bike & auto friendly gateway bringing Charlottesville into the next era of world-class cities and communities.’”
Such design contests were not unheard of during this era. In 2006, City Council funded a competition to reimagine two surface parking lots on Water Street. Both remain undeveloped with no plans on the horizon.
Court of public opinion
In January 2012, Wimer asked Council for $2,000 for the contest he was launching—Project Gait-Way—that would prioritize how the bridge improved the experience for humans rather than vehicles. Wimer’s advocacy led to the project being put on hold, and Council agreed to pay Wimer the funds to help cover the cash prize.
“Ultimately, we didn’t get an artful or very imaginative bridge,” says Wimer, who now splits his time between Charlottesville and Costa Rica. “But I think we nudged the process to try harder.”
UVA’s School of Architecture got involved in February 2012, with 29 teams of students entering the Project Gait-Way contest in what became known as the “Belmont Vortex.” In front of a crowd of students assembled in Culbreth Theatre, Wimer suggested the railway tracks would no longer be necessary as the country moved away from coal.
Those tracks are now owned by the Virginia Passenger Railway Authority and are seen as part of a future east-west service between Richmond and Charlottesville.
A design called “Belmont Unabridged” swept the competition. It envisioned no bridge at all in favor of an at-grade railway crossing. One of the team’s faculty advisors was Daniel Bluestone, a former architecture professor at UVA, who urged students to push back on automotive culture.
By this time, Cox had left Charlottesville to work as design director for the National Endowment for the Arts. He suggested to Council that the city apply for a $150,000 grant from a program he helped create called “Our Town.” The funding would pay for a study of how a new connection tied to arts and culture could transform the surrounding area.

A divided Council rejected the idea in part due to timing and the unlikelihood of either VDOT or CSX Transportation accepting the idea of no bridge. Instead, the idea was floated to spend $150,000 on further planning of the area around the bridge, while MMM continued to work on a new design with input from the contests. That funding would end up being used for a different project known as the Strategic Investment Area. (Despite winning an award from the Congress for New Urbanism in 2018, none of the SIA’s signature ideas would be implemented.)
Mo’ money, mo’ problems
By May 2012, Sean Connaughton, Virginia’s secretary of transportation, had arranged to fully fund the $14.5 million price tag for the bridge alongside funding for the Western Bypass, another controversial road project that would ultimately remain unbuilt. The Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the funding for the Belmont Bridge, but Council remained divided about how to proceed.
By that summer, Siteworks Studios had been hired as a subcontractor who would work on its own set of designs parallel to MMM. In December, the Siteworks team, including architect Jim Rounsevell, unveiled a proposal for Avon Street to go 25′ under the railroad tracks in an underpass rather than a bridge in order to allow the surrounding area to be developed. Siteworks hired a construction firm to produce a cost estimate of $17.3 million—higher than the $14.5 million the city had reserved for a bridge replacement.
In January 2013, the now-defunct Place Design Task Force, which had been created to provide advice to Council on how to proceed with urban infrastructure, recommended the underpass option, though they also acknowledged it would be prone to flooding and may be unwelcoming to pedestrians. In a memo, they also declared what kind of a bridge they wanted.
“Attention to appropriate lighting, pedestrian walkway design, railings, and bike travel lanes will ensure that the bridge scheme serves the community as safely and appropriately as possible,” reads the memo.
In September 2013, a firm hired by the city put the cost estimate for the bridge at just under $15 million and the estimate for the underpass at $27.3 million. That same month, Council directed staff to pursue an “enhanced bridge” but did not eliminate the option of an underpass. Rounsevell launched a crowd-funding campaign to further develop the concept, which he said would build “on the success of the Downtown Mall.”
“We are hoping to also develop a market study of the immediate area similar to what was done for the [High Line] in New York,” reads the campaign’s description. “We suspect that removing a 34-foot high bridge is a superior economic alternative.”

Three bridge options developed by MMM Design were shown side-by-side with Rounsevell’s underpass at meetings in the spring of 2014. Finally, on July 21, 2014, Council voted 4-1 to proceed with the “enhanced” option presented by MMM. Council member and architect Kathy Galvin voted against the motion and said instead the city should hire a new firm from scratch.
Three months later, Galvin would get her way when MMM Design went out of business and could not complete their work. By this time, Bob Fenwick had been elected to Council after running a campaign in which he insisted the bridge could be repaired rather than replaced. Fenwick said he was not interested in any of the amenities associated with the enhanced bridge and tried to get Council to follow along.
Tolbert left city government and Charlottesville in February 2015 before finalizing the process to begin the bridge design all over again. That would fall to his successor, Alex Ikefuna. By the time a request for proposals was issued, the bridge’s sufficiency rating as measured by the Federal Highway Administration had dropped to 40.8 in 2015 from 47.6 out of 100 in 2012.
At that time, VDOT’s cost estimate for the bridge remained at $14.5 million but would soon increase to $23 million due to inflation. To fill the gap, Council voted to seek revenue-sharing funds from VDOT that required a dollar-to-dollar match from the city government.
The firm Kimley-Horn was hired for $1.98 million in late 2016 to resume the design work after a long period of negotiations. Its task was to complete construction documents by March 2018, which would include a plan for how to redesign the street network around the bridge. Design specifications included one lane of vehicular traffic in each direction and a 25 mile per hour speed limit.
Meanwhile, the western sidewalk was closed in early 2017 after it, too, had deteriorated. One of the existing southbound lanes was converted for bike and pedestrian use.
When Kimley-Horn took over, project manager Sal Musarra said the process would build off of what had come before but would not seek to build consensus.
To pay for their share, Council began setting aside local money in the capital improvement program, beginning with an allocation of $4.5 million in Fiscal Year 2018. There was another $5 million in FY21, even with the budget uncertainties introduced by the pandemic that year. Another $2.5 million was set aside in FY22. These allocations totaled $12 million in local funds toward the project—almost a third of its projected cost.
By the time Council approved a design in July 2018, the cost estimate had risen to $24.8 million. Council held a final public hearing on spending money on the project in August 2020; the cost estimate had grown to $31.1 million. The amount would rise slightly due to supply-chain issues that increased the cost of materials.
Caton Construction won the award to build the bridge, which contains many of the elements of the enhanced design from MMM. At the ribbon-cutting, Steven Hicks, the city’s public works director, said the final product accomplished many of the city’s goals.
“We created an innovative and architectural design and the bridge has separated pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle lanes,” said Hicks. “Two 11-foot travel lanes, one in each direction. Seven-foot bike lanes and 10-foot pedestrian lanes. And we preserved the views to the mountains and of the railroad tracks.”
Former Councilor Galvin says she felt the process and design overseen by Kimley-Horn were good and said the work of the Belmont Vortex introduced ideas that would never have been considered otherwise.
“Some of the ideas were just too expensive and not practical from an engineering standpoint,” Galvin says, adding she is glad the project was completed, unlike a new streetscape on West Main Street that Council canceled in 2022 to free up money for the expansion of Buford Middle School.
As this is Charlottesville, the Belmont Bridge and so many others will continue to be debated.
Wimer calls the creative protest from a dozen years ago “future-bending” in that it helped create a “slight improvement” over what he had seen.
“For what it’s worth, I still favor an at-grade solution,” Wimer says. “The ‘no-bridge’ design that won the juried and the public vote.”
Schwarz said the design concept was executed in a poor manner, but he admits the bridge is now safer for pedestrians.
“But is it the gateway to downtown that we should be proud of? Let’s give it a few years and see how it ages.”