Cracking the safe

You might expect that The Bradbury—that monumental, stone building with carved columns on the Downtown Mall—has a storied history. It stands out with an allure of grandeur. That expectation is realized by stepping into the tiled grand hall with parallel rows of towering columns and a high, echoing ceiling. 

Designed in 1916 by prolific Charlottesville architect Eugene Bradbury to house the People’s National Bank, its tiled grand hall, towering columns, and high, echoing ceiling—not to mention its swinging vault—still project the security that would have been valued by that institution. In 2016, the building was reborn as Prime 109, a high-end steakhouse. It wasn’t until the summer of 2021 that the current operators got a hold of the space and opened The Bradbury as an event venue. 

The relatively young spot is driven by the combined experience of Harvest Moon (caterers), Just a Little Ditty (event planners), Cramer Photo, and business specialists. Together they form the board of managing partners that launched The Bradbury to synthesize their skills in hospitality. 

While The Bradbury expects to find the majority of its clientele via private events such as weddings and corporate bookings, its café is open to everyone from 8am-2pm, Monday-Friday, and it has hosted public festivities: fun-cville’s disco parties, UVA’s Crave fashion show, and the Tom Tom fest’s late-night dancing.