Bagels on a roll

With long lines out the door most days before noon, Bodo’s Bagels was already a popular, fast, and convenient way to cure a hangover or grab lunch to go. As COVID necessitated social distancing, the shops on Emmet and Preston streets were uniquely qualified to make adjustments: Both stores were already equipped with drive-thru windows; the Emmet Street shop was originally a Bob Evans and the Preston location had been a Rob Roy. “We are literally the only restaurant in the city that had an unused drive-thru,” saysco-owner Scott Smith. 

Bodo’s quickly began funneling cars through a touchless drive-thru system complete with handheld credit card scanners and radio headsets. The staff braved all kinds of bad weather, and no Charlottesvillian had to miss their Deli Egg or Cleo salad. 

While it seemed like the new model would be a keeper, Smith says it was always temporary. “I know that a lot of people love the drive-thrus, but we’re told that our by-right use of them lapsed years ago with changes to zoning law, and we’ve been running them on the basis of an agreement with the city that we would return to our in-store model soon after all COVID restrictions have been lifted in the city.”  

Smith promises that it’s better on the inside, and he sees his customers as more than just a number on a printed ticket. “We are simply faster and better inside, but we also really just miss having people in,” he says. “Seeing people is part of the idea.”