Out and about: Living, food, and drink events

How sweet it is

Pollinator education and honey will be on tap Thursday, November 14, at Peace Frogs Travel/Outfitters. Diego DeCorte of The Elysium Honey Co. will make a presentation about the plight of the honeybee and possible solutions to rebuild the dwindling population. A tasting will reveal the range of flavors that honey can possess. Free, 6:15-7pm. 1043 Millmont St., 977-1415, RSVP to events@peacefrogstravel.com

That’s a stretch

Get centered and limber before your weekend on Friday, November 15, with a frolicking yoga session in the serene environs of The Fralin Museum of Art. The goal of the exercise, led by ACAC group instructor Emily Wiley, is to “gain a sense of self as a connected part of the universe through art-inspired yoga.” Sounds deep—and very chill. Free, but registration is required, and participants must bring their own yoga mat. 6-7pm. 155 Rugby Rd., email laj2m@virginia.edu to reserve a spot.

One for the road

The Virginia Craft Spirits Roadshow rolls into IX Art Park Saturday, November 16. Craft cocktails and artisanal spirits from 13 Virginia distillers will be there for the quaffing, and bottles of hooch will be for sale. Attendees have the opportunity to meet the makers and learn the finer points of distilling (it’s complicated, trust us). $35 for two advance tickets, $25 per person at the gate, free admission for designated drivers. noon-5pm. 522 Second St. SW.

Doggone good!

Now we know which local brewery is the most dog-friendly. The Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA is teaming up with Crozet’s Pro Re Nata Farm Brewery to launch the Fido Field Trips program on Saturday, November 16. Volunteers and oodles of adoptable pups will be on hand to teach prospective Fido Field Trippers how taking a shelter dog for a hike, to a restaurant, or back home to lounge on the couch can help the lucky dog get adopted. Free, 2-5pm. Pro Re Nata, 6135 Rockfish Gap Tpk., Crozet, 823-4878. Visit caspca.org/fft for more information and to sign up for the program.

It’s wine o’clock somewhere

At historic Poplar Forest, to be precise. The annual Thomas Jefferson Wine Festival takes place Saturday, November 16, at TJ’s country retreat near Lynchburg. It’s worth the trip just to see the spectacular architecture, but the wine—by 11 Virginia labels including Barboursville and Jefferson vineyards, and Peaks of Otter Winery—is a major bonus (duh, right?). Local craftspeople will display their wares for some early Christmas shopping, and multiple food vendors, including Farmacy food truck, will be dishing it out. $20-25 per person, 11am-5pm (rain or shine; heated tents will be set up), info and tickets at bit.ly/tj-wine.

Beer bash

Devils Backbone celebrates 11 years in business on Saturday, November 16, with the Milestone 11 Party at both its Nelson County compound and Lexington outpost. Complimentary appetizers will be served, beers will be discounted, and merriment will be the order of the day. Music by Mississippi Leghound will play at the mothership, Kyle Forry and Justin Barnett at the outpost. All you have to do is show up thirsty! Noon (Lexington) and 6pm (Nelson County). bit.ly/devils-brew.