Book it: What local biz leaders are reading

Need insight to spark new thinking about your company, help you reach the next level of success, or give you a boost in creativity? We can all use a little inspo sometimes, and more often than not, we turn to books for answers. Whether you favor the feel-good vibes of Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass at Making Money, the uplifting leadership lessons of Stacey Abrams’ Lead from the Outside, or the go-it-solo musings of Paul Jarvis’ Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business, there is an inspirational tome for everyone.—Jennifer Pullinger

We asked a few local professionals to share what’s on their bookshelf:

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink

“Dan provides the reader with applicable concepts for any stage in their career and life. The book reminds of the need to take frequent breaks, allowing us to remain productive. It provides you with scientific concepts, such as best times to make
decisions or have meetings, when to begin something—sometimes you may have to start over in order to get the desired result.
I highly recommend this book to those who are looking for more structure in their day and life.”

—Zikki Munyao, Founder, Munyao Consulting, LLC


Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling with Anna Rosling Rönnlund and Ola Rosling

“With so much negativity in this world, it describes our data biases that give us a bleak outlook of the world—and it shows
that things are better than you think. There is a test online and at the beginning of the book to set the tone and shed light
on these points—if you don’t have time to read the book, start with the quiz! It serves as a reminder that we all need to update
the facts and information we consume and that context is key.”

—Valeria McFarren Piper, President, Chaski Global Strategic Communications


Human Resource Development (sixth edition) by Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone

“I actually appreciated reading about the research and philosophy behind employee training and organizational development. Of particular interest was the chapter entitled Employee Counseling and Wellness Services. My own career was interrupted two years ago because of a mental health crisis and I had to quit my job. Had my employer and I understood how depression
and anxiety negatively impacted my sense of success at work, I may have been able to take a leave of absence instead of quitting altogether. I look forward to applying these and many other best practices in HRD as my career progresses.”

—Mary Coleman, Development Director, City of Promise (Coleman is currently enrolled in James Madison University’s online program for Human Resource Development & Management.)

(Photos Courtesy Subjects)