In brief: Neo-Nazi battle, minimum wage raise, Landes and Galvin decide, and more

Who’s head neo-Nazi?

James Hart Stern, a black activist, claims he had taken over the National Socialist Movement and filed a motion February 28 accepting liability in the August 12-related lawsuit Sines v. Kessler. But the longtime head of the neo-Nazi group, Jeff Schoep, sent C-VILLE an email March 8 saying Stern had no legal standing with the org. Meanwhile, a judge has given Schoep until March 18 to find a lawyer.

UVA raises minimum wage

The university will up its minimum wage to $15 an hour for 1,400 full-time employees January 1. That means 60 percent of the lowest-paid workers will see a boost. The rest are contract workers and the school says it’s still working on that.

Quote of the week

“As a university, we should live our values—and part of that means making sure that no one who works at UVA should live in poverty.”—UVA President Jim Ryan

Landes looks for new job

Steve Landes

Delegate Steve Landes will not seek a 13th term representing the 25th District. Instead, he’s running for Augusta County clerk of circuit court, which pays $138,000 compared to the $17,640 part-time legislators make in General Assembly. Albemarle farmer Richard Fox, Augusta Supervisor and former county Dem chair Marshall Pattie, and Bridgewater GOP member Chris Runion will face off at an April 27 firehouse primary for the Republican nomination.



Kathy Galvin

So does Galvin

As Delegate David Toscano prepares to step down from his seat in the House of Delegates, another familiar face is gearing up for a campaign to replace him in the 57th District. City councilor of eight years Kathy Galvin will challenge UVA professor Sally Hudson for the Democratic nomination.

Surprise resignation

Barry Neulen took the job as head of the Emergency Communications Center six months ago, when the team of 911 dispatchers was severely understaffed and desperate for help. He’s faced criticism for multiple decisions, including hiring former military buddies to help train new recruits—which employees applauded, and Police Chief RaShall Brackney questioned. Neulen abruptly resigned March 11, and UVA’s executive director of emergency management, Tom Berry, will serve in the interim.

Recycle this!

With a few new changes in the local recycling scene, it can be hard to keep up with where to toss your antifreeze, and where not to store your styrofoam.


The Ivy Material Utilization Center—er, the dump—now has expanded recycling services, which are free to city and county residents. You may now recycle the following:

  • Compostable food waste
  • Newsprint and magazines
  • Motor oil
  • Antifreeze
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Glass food and beverage containers
  • Mixed brown paper
  • Aluminum beverage cans and steel cans


But come July, the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority will no longer accept No. 3 through No. 7 plastics at the McIntire Recycling Center, at least until there’s a market for them again. According to a RSWA staff report, the Chinese market is closed and there’s no viable domestic one. So if you’ve recently “recycled” those plastics in town, they’ve likely been shipped to Raleigh, North Carolina—and tossed in the trash. Here’s a sampling of what won’t be accepted come summer:

  • PVC pipe
  • Sandwich and grocery bags
  • Styrofoam
  • Squeezable condiment bottles
  • Tupperware
  • Yogurt containers
  • Prescription bottles
  • Bottle caps
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Baby bottles